Best Natural Home Remedies for Cold and Fever

Ginger is one of the key medicines of Ayurveidic treatment and it has been used for centuries to treat various kinds of aliments. It helps in treating infections of the respiratory tract, persistent cough and bronchitis. The compound “Ajoene” present in garlic helps in controlling infections by bacteria, viruses and microbes. In addition, it also works as a natural preventive measure for cancer, more specifically colon cancer.
It is also used for treating muscle cramps and muscle pain. Prepare delicious ginger tea by boiling water in a pan, grate one inch of fresh ginger and add it to the water along with 2 table spoon and lemon juice and one table spoon of honey and enjoy this soothing drink while relaxing in your bed.
When it comes to fighting cold and fevers the natural way, there is probably no better medicine than garlic. Well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-protozoal properties, it helps in relieving stubborn coughs and clearing mucus that blocks the lungs. The anti-viral and anti-bacterial property of garlic is attributed to the compound “Allicin” found in it that also provides the hot and strong flavor.
The best way to use garlic for treating colds is to crush 5-6 cloves and consume it raw. But it can also be consumed mixed with a cup of yogurt. In addition to all this, garlic also helps in lowering high blood pressure, cholesterol and reducing the chances of heart attack and stroke.
Honey is the greatest gift of Mother Nature that has been used by humans since the beginning of civilization and ancient Egyptians used it as an important anti-bacterial agent for treating wounds and cuts. The antioxidants and anti-microbal properties of honey helps in soothing cough and it helps in treating nigh time cough in infants and promotes undisturbed sleep. However, it is not recommended for children below 1 year due to the risk of botulism.
Honey also helps in reducing sensitivity of the throat by coating it. In addition, it also provides naturally glowing skin and hair. The best way to use it for relieving cough is to mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 table spoon of lemon juice in a cup of warm water and sip it slowly.
Lemons and Oranges
Vitamin C is a universally accepted remedy for common colds and the best natural source of vitamin C is citrus fruits like oranges and lemons that are loaded with this health benefiting nutrient that improves the body’s natural defense mechanism and fight virus and bacteria.
Lemon helps in thinning mucus, reducing phlegm and clearing the chocked respiratory system. Enjoy a glass of fresh homemade orange juice or a nice warm drink prepared by mixing 2 table spoon of lemon juice and 1 table spoon of honey in a glass of warm water. In addition, lemon also helps in improving digestion and acts as an effective natural remedy for removing sun tan.