
Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Viola Suffruticosa

Viola Suffruticosa (known as Orithazh Thamarai ) has many other names like viola odorata, viola tricolor, and in native it is called as sweet violets, Johnny jump ups, and miniature pansies.

  • Violas have excellent ability to strengthen blood vessel.
  • It is an excellent natural herbal plant to loosen and drive out phlegm.
  • It is known to have best anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and diuretic properties.
  • Used for treating cold & bronchitis.
  • Improves the immune system.
  • Viola is a remedy for rheumatism.
  • Due to its anti-microbial property, it gives excellent treatment for skin problems.
  • Viola Suffruticosa used for eczema to prevent headaches.
  • Some time it is used as anti-tumour remedy.
  • Viola used for external body treatment like minor cuts/wounds, skin rashes, swellings, heat boils, acnes, itching and so on.

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